Saturday, July 11, 2015

Ini Kisah Diari. 

Mata dia asyik tertumpu pada conversation 
whatsapp. menunggu balasan dari si gadis.

dua minit..
tiga minit..
empat minit..

bzzz. bzzz.

"apa ni?"

"hayati lirik tu and fahamkan. then tell me the answer. sudi ke tak."

"are you serious Afif Hayat?"

"i am. Saya dah lama suka awak."

"this is not the right way. i'm not ready."

"just tell me. that you love me the way i do or not. only then i'll be okay."

"Saya pun suka awak."

bibir kembali senyum sampai telinga. sampai tak sedar Izzat amin yang sedang murajaah AlQuran surah AnNisa memandang aneh.

"aku akan kahwini ko satu hari nanti."

"i'll wait for that day."

"just you wait. "

dan hari demi hari, semakin kerap whatsapp dan berkongsi segala duka dan duka. segalanya indah. indah semua apabila hati berbunga. kan?

sebulan berlalu.

di satu sudut Haura Najwa sujud di sejadah. lama.
usai salam terakhir, dia menangis. sambil meraup muka.

malu. malu dengan diri sendiri yang makin tak tahu malu.
bermaksiat. ye.. zina. zina hati je. "JE" takkan ubah apa apa.

yang dosa tetap dosa.

"ala ramai je orang lain bercinta."

what is wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. hati segera menangkis.

"tapi aku tak pernah langkau syariat!" hati tetap membantah.

betulke...? setiap hari whatsapp. even bertanya khabar. tapi perasaan halus tu sentiasa menjalar di hati. sentiasa tersengih sorang2. sampai kadang tertinggal date dengan Allah pukul 3 pagi semata nak melayan whatsapp dari si dia pada pukul 1, 2 pagi. selalu cemburu bila si dia digosipkan dengan akhowat lain. selalu stalk profile dan segala yang berkaitan dengan dia sampai kadang menangis tak henti sebab cemburu.


dan masa tu, sejadah menjadi tempat airmata meresap. mata bengkak. badan lemah. hanya pada Allah boleh diluah. hanya Allah yang mengerti saat itu. betapa berdosanya diri. tapi masih, diselubungi perasaan 'takut untuk sakit bila berjauhan' jadi..

"ya Allah.. tolong bukakan hati si dia untuk sedar akan hakikat ini juga.. tolong ya Allah.. kurangkan sakit yang aku rasa ni.."

dan malamtu, di saat yang lain nyenyak dibuai mimpi.
seorang gadis di sudut ruang kamar. menangis dan menangis. kerana dosa.


"Fif. syok whatsapp? dengan siapa?" tegur Iman. memulakan bicara.

"oh takdelah. dgn member sekolah lama." jawab afif sambil sengih.

"aku bukan apa. tapi aku tengok kau ni dah lain." berhati hati Iman menuturkan.

"lain macam mana?" Afif menegakkan badan dan bersila di atas kerusi.

"boleh kita bincang kejap?" ajak Iman

"sure." iPhone diletak tepi dan di tukar mode silent. something sounds fishy.

"tengah berbunga ke?" Iman senyum segaris. sekadar bermanis.

"eh apa? what do you mean?" Afif kerutkan dahi tanda tak faham.

"look. let me be honest. sebab ko member aku since first time kita masuk uni lagi. satu course. satu bilik. satu kelas. dan, satu agama. aku sayang ko."

"eh jap jap. ada apa hal ni?"

"aku tak larang ko nak bercinta. tapi biarlah cinta tu, kerana Allah. bukan kerana nafsu. selagi belum halal, selagi tu ada jarak. got me?"

"oh.. tapi aku takde la sampai bersayang semua. aku cuba limitkan pergaulan kami."


diam. gulp! tersedak. batuk dua kali untuk hilangkan payau di tekak.

"Fif.. even kita dah limitkan pergaulan. contact tanya khabar ke. sembang through phone sambil cakap benda baik ke. ingat, syaitan tu ada. bunyi kecik simple gitu je kan? tapi, little do we now. benda kecik macamtu lah, yang kita orang belajar agama ni. selalu rebah kena hentam dgn nafsu. are you with me?"

"proceed." mata merah. tahan airmata dari tumpah ke lantai. muka ditunduk.

"aku tahu. ko sayang dia. tapi, jarak tu still exists. kalau masa ni ko enjoy kenal dan suka2 dengan dia. lepastu. do you think and jamin yang lepas nikah pun boleh kenal lagi? save. save manja. save cinta. save kata2 manis. tu semua, lepas nikah. ko lelaki. dia tu perempuan. aku rasa si dia tu pun bukan calang2 orang. sbb aku tau, kau terpikat dengan agama dia. at first. perempuan ni umpama air mutlak. kenapa kita nak musta'malkan dia? kenapa nak sentuh hati dia awal2? kenapa nak cemarkan hati dia dengan kita yang masih belum sedia salam tok kadi ni?"

tersentak. diam. airmata mula menuruni pipi.
dan sekarang. Afif Hayat sedang menangis. Sebab dosa.

Iman mendekat dan peluk bahu dengan tangan sebelah dan bisik.

"kita taktahu dengan siapa kita akan nikah. kita taktahu bila kita akan nikah. tapi kita kena ingat. kita jugak tak tahu, bila kita akan mati dan macam mana kita akan mati. persiapkan diri. mana tahu, diri kita ni akan bernikah dengan sakaratul maut dulu?"

"tapi.. aku sayang dia lillahitaala. aku pilih dia sebab agama dia."

"sayang tu bukan dengan kata2. jangan ucap sayang kerana Allah. jangan syok berkata kerana Allah sedangkan Allah tak suka dan tak redha dengan apa yang kita lakukan. jangan syok sendiri. kadang2, kita kena berbalik pada fitrah. jiwa bertuhan. memang cinta itu fitrah juga. tapi, jangan sampai jadi fitnah."

"aku sayang dia Im. sakit sangat perpisahan tu. aku tak sanggup hilang dia."

"yakin dengan Allah Fif. jangan cakap macam kau takde Tuhan. kita merancang. Tuhan yang tentukan."

"doakan aku berjodoh dengan dia.. Im" rintih Afif dalam sendu.

"aku takkan doakan kau berjodoh dengan dia. tapi aku doakan kau berjodoh dengan orang yang terbaik untuk kau. Fif barangkali. kita suka akan sesuatu tapi sebenarnya ia tak baik untuk kita. dan barangkali. kita tak suka akan sesuatu tapi sesungguhnya ia baik untuk kita. janji Allah fif . pegang betul2. perempuan yang baik untuk lelaki yang baik. strive untuk jadi lelaki yang baik."

"kalau aku takde jodoh dengan dia.."

"redha. aturan Allah tu the best. jangan pernah persoalkan kenapa dan kenapa. sebab sesungguhnya, semuanya berhikmah. husnudzhon Ai'e. yang penting. doa. doa yang berterusan. Aku tahu ko kuat."


"dah jom pergi surau. sahut seruan Ilahi, Allah rindu nak dengar rintihan ko. Allah rindu beb."


seminggu kemudian.

bzzz. bzzz. 

"Afif Hayat. Saya rasa saya dah buat keputusan yang terbaik. Saya akan stop contact awak lepasni. Saya tak janji. tapi saya akan cuba yang terbaik. buat masa ni, saya harap awak kuat dan tabah nak hadap dunia ni. lepasni dah takde saya utk ingatkan awak dhuha. sila paham sendiri. lepasni tolong, behave attitude. Saya mintak maaf sbb pernah buai hati awak. dan saya maafkan awak sbb pernah buai hati saya. hati ni masih tak rela. tapi in order to achieve mardhatillah. Saya buat keputusan ni. jangan salah faham. Saya tak benci awak. Saya nak, kita jaga. sesama menjaga. Saya taknak kita terus hipokrit. senang buat apa saja atas nama 'cinta lillah'. Saya nak jaga cinta ni. sebab saya nak Allah redha cinta yang saya bina. insha Allah, kalau berjodoh. Saya nak awak sendiri akan jumpa wali saya. ya salam. jaga hati. jaga iman."

whatsapp yang baru diterima dibaca sebaik sahaja sudah melipat kain solat. kaki disila dan bersandar di satu sudut masjid. airmata bercucuran. tak mampu nak gambarkan apa rasa saat ini.


berbaur rasa.
'Allah makbulkan doa aku.. tapi.. ya Allah.. sakit.' airmata deras mengalir.

sneakers hitam disarung ke kaki sambil kepala menengadah langit. langit mendung. semendung hati. air mata tak habis habis menuruni pipi. seakan ingin meluahkan segala isi rasa yang ada. gadis berjubah hijau bertudung hitam bertutup memulakan langkah dengan lafaz yang mulia. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. setiap derapan kaki menandakan dia kini sudah tekad. mahu melupakan setiap apa yang pernah terjadi. demi cinta yang suci. demi cinta Allah yang hakiki.


ikhtilat tu, bukan hanya dengan orang yang kita suka. tapi dengan semua ajnabi.

jaga hati.
belum sampai masa.
Saya juga sedang bertatih.
untuk menjaga hati dari dibuai ajnabi.
ambil yang baik. tinggal yang buruk. ya salam.

Allah is watching. Malaikat is writing. Keep calm and smile..

Monday, April 20, 2015

Not too skinny and not too perfect legs for girls.

How I maintain my legs cutting. Its quite funny and weird but as a girl actually a woman, legs are our assets. The most important way to get a perfect legs is EXERCISE!

Working out helps to develop shapely legs. Some basic exercises you can do :

  • Jumping (with a jump rope or trampoline)
  • Running/jogging
  • Walking
  • Riding a bike
  • Stair climbing
  • Aerobics
  • Squats and/or lunges
  • Weight training.
  • Hiking
Thats what I'm supposed to do. You can also swimming or playing some games like tennis, volleyball etc. I always running/jogging and hiking because I love to see the natures. Sometimes you feel shy to work out alone, I'm right? So why not you join your friends for hiking. 

why all of us need to burst our smiles?

☺️Idk why people always say that I love to smile and laugh. 
Smiling can make you happy (even when you're not).
Remember that mind-body connection we were just talking about? Well, it turns out that the simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you're happy. And when you're happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins. I've learn that from my biology teacher when I'm at secondary school.

Smiling can make others happy. 
Ever heard that song, made famous by Malique & Najwa
" kacak luar kacak dalam kacak dengar sini kalau saya senyum awak mesti senyum sekali kalau kita senyum semua orang berjangkit bila semua orang senyum dunia tiada penyakit " 
Well, it's true. Research shows that smiling is contagious. Ever been around someone who just had something fantastic happen to him or her? Isn't it almost impossible not to feel good, too? Studies show that something as simple as seeing a friend smile can activate the muscles in your face to make that same expression, without you even being aware that you are doing it. Crazy, right?

Smiling can help you de-stress. 
The next time you're stressed about work or realize that your favorite jeans feel a little snug, don't freak out. Take a few deep breaths and smile! Smiling may help to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety. When that smile signals to your brain that you're feeling happy (even though you're not really feeling happy...yet), your body will usually slow its breathing and heart rate.
Reducing stress is so important for health, too, as it can lower blood pressure, improve digestion and regulate blood sugar. Note that this works during workouts, too! If you're having a hard time getting through that last rep or getting those final 5 minutes in on the treadmill, smiling can do wonders!

Smiling can lead to laughter. 
Have you ever laughed without smiling? It's pretty impossible to do. And it's funny how a smile here and a smile there with friends can turn into a whole fit of hysterical laughter. Numerous studies have been done on the health benefits of laughing, including how it acts like a mini workout that burns calories and works the abs. Laughter also helps blood flow, lowers blood sugar levels, reduces stress and improves sleep. It may also raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body, which helps boost your immune system. So the moral of this story is smile—and laugh—often!

Smiling just feels good. 
Have you ever found that smiling just feels good? Go ahead, smile now. Doesn't it feel natural? Make you feel happy to be alive? It sure does beat the heck out of a frown.

So the next time you're feeling down or out of sorts, try a smile. If you can't find a reason to smile, pop in a funny DVD, read the comics like Ujang or call a friend. Heck, you may be able to even read the word smile and feel better. I like to watch runningman , karoot komedia and maharaja lawak mega. Its fun. You should try to watch something like that. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bestfriends breakups are WORST then relationship breakups tbh! (◕‿-)

What can I say about best friends which is they're always there for you, always looking out for you. There are some quotes that I've founded from pakcikgoogle. Sometimes its fun when you just thinking about your bestfriends then start searching at google how your friendships will go. 
“Don’t wait for people to be friendly. Show them how.” ~Unknown
The other night I called an old friend I hadn’t talked to in a while. As we caught up, shared stories, and laughed over private jokes that would sound ridiculous had the phone been tapped, I wondered why I let so much time go by since I’d last given her a call.
We don’t live close to each other, so grabbing a drink or hitting up a yoga class isn’t an option. But really connecting with her, sharing pieces of my life  and receiving the pieces she wants to give, doesn’t require specific geography.
We can be great friends to each other, despite the distance, if we choose to make the effort. If we remember to make the time, we can have those types of meaningful, fulfilling conversations that make us feel seen, understood, appreciated, and supported.
Then I started to think about all the times when I’ve gotten busy and lost touch with friends who live right down the street—times when I got caught up in everything going on in my life and forgot to nurture my relationships.
We need meaningful connections with other people.
Not everyone has to be a close friend, but it’s integral to our happiness that we show people who we truly are, allow ourselves to know them in return, and then remind each other through actions—small or large—that we care.
We never need to be or feel alone in this world, but it’s up to us to create and allow opportunities to be together, enjoy each other, and be there for each other. It’s up to us to make our relationships priorities.
With this in mind, I recently asked on Facebook, “What does it mean to be a true friend?”
I compiled some of the ideas that resonated strongly with me (some of them paraphrased or slightly altered for ease of reading).
Here’s what Tiny Buddha readers had to say:
1. Always be there, even in silence. (Nerrisa Nam)
2. Be kind and listen. Be fun and light. Be serious when needed, love extensively, and forgive always. (Sandra Lumb)
3. Don’t be scared to tell each other the truth, no matter how difficult it may be. (Eva Valencia)
4. Guide each other in times of need with your honest opinions. (Ashna Singh)
5. A true friend is someone who always listens and is genuinely interested in the good and bad, and someone who calls or writes just to say hello. (Kimberly McCarthy)
6. Be loyal in confidence and character, always open and inviting to share concerns, always honest even if you disagree. (Peggy Turner Beatty)
7. A true friend tries her best to cheer you up when you are upset and makes you feel special. (Kalpana Tewani)
8. Try and improve their life though your friendship. (Barry Cassidy)
9. Be who you truly are, be that vulnerable, and provide the other person the space, safety and choice to do the same. (Cynthia Ruprecht Hunt)
10. Be genuinely happy when they get, receive, or achieve something you truly desire. (Heather Tucker)
11. Share the truth in your heart, without the fear of misunderstandings. (Ricardo Marques)
12. Be loyal and forgive but above all: love and respect. (Casey Jo Wagner)
13. Accept the person as they are, as an individual, without conditions. Also, as important as it is for you to be there for them, sometimes you have to be willing to let them be there for you. (Casey Kimes)
14. Remain friends despite a person’s choices in life and don’t bail on them when they aren’t who you want them to be. (Kim Shaw)
15. A true friend always supports the person but doesn’t feel compelled to support the situation. A true friend knows how and when to say the firm, “No.” (Leslie Mollay)
16. Help yourself and those closest to you grow. To live means to grow, and a true friend is someone that you can honestly say has helped define you as an individual. (Kevin Ball)
17. Celebrate the wins and be there to support the losses. Keep your word and acknowledge it when you don’t. (Margalit Ward)
18. Walk in to a friend’s aid when others are walking out. (Larry Stilts)
19. Don’t hold grudges over petty disagreements. (Annika de Korte)
20. Show up! You can pretend to care but you cannot pretend to show up. (Sherri Levy)
21. A true friend is someone you feel as comfortable with as you do when you are by yourself. No illusions, no holding back. (Liz McConomy)

Who in my mind rn? K Wan Nor Salma. #YNWA eh tetiba ..

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Baru cuba nak berjinak dengan hiking?

Isn't hiking just walking?
Why do you need best hiking tips?
The answer is complicated by many factors: climate, season, weather, hiking distance, pack weight, terrain, as well as your age and level of conditioning, nutritional status, and mental state.
And let's not overlook the obvious: the gear you're using.
All of these factors play into how effective your hiking techniques may or may not be for the hike you're planning.

The first mountain I climb is Gunung Merapi. It was my beginning as a hiker. I've tried, how about you? 
Come on take the challenge, get the experience and enjoy the environment!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Children and ICT

    Children are immersed in technologically rich environments, both in their homes and in the local environment; there are remote controls for television and video sets, toys that have buttons and buzzers, phones and mobile phones, washing machines, microwaves and other machines that require programming, computers, photocopiers, answer phones, security keypads for entry, automatic doors, ticket machines, cash machines, bar-code scanners, digital tills and weighing machines, security cameras, the list can go on and on.
     Try taking an ICT walk with children identifying ICT and related uses in their environments such as street lights, signals, automatic doors, ticket machines. It can be quite an eye-opener and can lead to setting up outdoor role-play areas, such as car parks, back at their setting. For example, my mum always ask me to check in her flight using my smartphone.
     In the Foundation Stage we can provide for children's play with technological experiences, deepening their understanding of the uses of ICT in everyday life. We will be both supporting their understanding about technology and helping them learn through technology. Practical activities and first-hand experience will support children's understanding and skills with using ICT tools and software.
     There is a vast range of resources that will help reflect the real world children live in and give them opportunities to experiment, practice and build competences in using ICT tools for themselves. Not all of these need cost large amounts; for role-play use old or defunct equipment or work with the children to make their own e.g. barcode scanners, cardboard photocopiers.
     Technology can also support other early learning goals within knowledge and understanding of the world. ICT resources can help children in developing crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to make sense of their own, immediate environment as well as environments of others. TV, video, software and live web cams can bring in different worlds and different times, allowing children to find out about past and present events and others cultures and beliefs.
Digital photographs, tape recorders, camcorders and web cams can allow children to investigate living things, objects and materials, some of which might not be accessible otherwise e.g. a web cam placed in a wild life area.
     ICT equipment can help children to focus on specific features of objects and help them observe closely similarities, differences, patterns and change. A digital microscope works on a computer and allows children to explore natural resources; they can find and see the finer detail on the monitor.
Digital cameras, tape recorders, camcorders and web-cams can all be used to record living things, objects and materials and give children an opportunity to investigate, make sense of their environment and record their thoughts and ideas. These resources can be a way to focus on their local environment and talk about those features they like and dislike.
     ICT sits within the Knowledge and Understanding area of learning but we now expect to be able to use these tools across all areas of learning to reflect real applications of ICT and to capitalize on the benefits of technology on each area of learning. Nowadays, children can search anything what they want to play,watch and learn from the internet. Just touch search key or button. By the way, parents must monitor and guide their children while their children use the internet because internet also have bad impacts

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bukit Talipong.

Btw sblum ni aku dah biasa naik. Training sblum g hiking merapi. Tapi time tu cuaca x mngizinkan so naik xhbis pun terus turun lari laju2 sbb ada petir.haha.boleh bayang x aku lari dgn kasut penuh lumpur plus tanah merah beg besar mcm anak gajah. Last weekend naik lagi sekali tapi hajar join. Puas mengajak la kawan aku yg kecik sorg nii. Naik berniat nak star gazing,tapi star xde hahahaha. Jap lagi satu nak pakai headlamp,lampu xade tali ja adaaaa HAHAHAHAHAmanalampuhilang. Lepas balik merapi aku mmg x jog dah. Makan tido ja keja aku. Bila org tanya 'nak join talipong x?star gazing sikit!' Laju ja pm nama. Dasar. Xfkir pun x fit or wht. Balik kelas packing barang,petang khamis jugak naik talipong. Mengah jugak laa. Tahu idokk mengah tu haperrr? Alaaa kome nii,mengah tu letih lahai nakk. Tercungap cungap aku dgn bwk 'briefcase' lagi.hahaha.wall climbing pun xlepas. Talipong punya mcm wall clmbing laa. Hampir jdi bewak jugak. Lepas asar kta org start naik. Maghrib dkt ats. Dgr azan sayup2 ja dri atas. Smbil tengok langit dan kwnsn chglun sintok. Indahnya ciptaan Allah.

Time prepare mknan mulut msti akan story mory dkt kwn2 seperjuangan. Dia punya sembang tu lain dari kau sembang dlm bilik or cafe. The feelings totally different. Time tu la smua crta yg disorok akan terbuka dengan mudah. We conquer ourselves there.

Terjaga subuh dduk buat air utk minum pagi sambil tengok sunrise perghh. Nikmat tahu x! 

There's a sunrise.
a sunset every single day and they are absolutely free. 
dont miss so many of them.1f305-microsoft-windows

Makin hari makin sayang dekat my partners khai mira malis khun nano am faizal din hajar. Sadin dgn yen x. Sbb kome bdua sllu jer busy. Hahaha. K dak2 sbb korg bdua yg support aku dari blkang time merapi. Membebel pun yer. Hahahaha. Gmbr korg yg xde tu jgn touching k, korg ada dlm ingatan and always remember.

Pamutusan Island, West Sumatra.

Hai everyone. Im back! Okay lets continue talking about my trip as a bacpacker to the West Sumatra. After hiking, all of us feel exhausted. So as a human what do you want to do when you are in the situation like us? Come on..what?do you want to sleep? hahaha I didnt pay for sleep actually. NONSENSE! Pamutusan Island have waiting for us. Its take around 8 hours to arrive there through the roads and hills so  taraaaa here I shared all of my photos.

view from fishermen houses before heading to the island.
here we go!

Pamutusan Island's view from the top.

arrived :D

ours aim!
colourful of starfishes.

sunset view from the island.
Its time for dinner. Swimming dah.btw,aku xswimming sbb aku xtahu hahaha..cari patrick pun,
BBQ & basking time!

Dekat basecamp merapi dah terlepas star gazing. Sobs! Dengan cuaca malam tu x mngizinkan star gazing dkt island. Hujan renyai-renyai. Perut kenyang,hati suka,muka ceria,apa lagi,masuk khemah sweet dreams emoticon
I cant write what I feel when Im there but please, I want to go there again and again. Already miss the island damn much. For those yang follow yuk xrindu tu,korg memang hitam.haha. Tu xkira bangun pagi,bukak pntu khemah perghh sedap mata memandang air laut yang kebiruan angin sepoi-sepoi cewahh. Okay nak ada rumah rehat tepi laut xpun lets go to Maldives. Kemain kau nakk

Friday, March 13, 2015


✿~ Siapakah wanita cantik itu ?

✔ Dia melukis kekuatan melalui masalah .
✔ Dia tersenyum saat tertekan .
✔ Dia tertawa saat hati sedang menangis .
✔ Dia tabah saat dihina .
✔ Dia mempersona kerana memaafkan .
✔ Dia mengasihi tanpa balasan .
✔ Dan dia bertambah kuat dalam doa dan pengharapan Ilahi .

~> Jadilah wanita cantik itu ✿

Bermulanya Sebuah Persahabatan.

Baru nak berjinak dengan hiking start masuk u. When sniors said 'korg nak join x final projek?'. Em nkg mana eh? Tanya acah2 nakg. Sbb setahu aku diaorg ni memang suka sondol bukit dan paling hebat gunung yg hard core. Start kenal diaorg smua sbb join KIC time hope day. Then start lepak dkt kelab, sbb nak tahu apa aktvti bdk2 kelab ni bila dduk bkumpul. Btw, diaorg xbgi panggil pangkat 'abang & kakak' . Ok dah nampak kat situ diaorg mmg sempoi. But still sbgai junior, aku kena la behave. Hormat tu mesti dan harus tapi xde la jadi mcm lembu kena cucuk hidung. Di pendekkan crta, cuti midsem dah nak dekat. Pw utk final prjek msti la kena settle. Pejam celik mmg xterasa pun masa. Aku pun teringin nak kenal kelab lebih lagi. Balik bilik aku fikir nak join projek final nnti x. Korek punya korek, wth diaorg nakg Gunung Merapi. Aku punya excited nakg tu pergh macam letusan merapi la jugak. So aku pm ahkak khai. 'bajet brpa?kena bank in brpa?' 'bank in duit flght dlu,sbb nak booked flght' 
Time tu aku tgh stdy BKAL for midsem exam,tapi biasa la kan sbb keghairahan nk join diaorg tu smpai aku asyik fkir ja. Abh lalu depan tmpat aku stdy. 'em em abh,dekna nak join kelab kembara p indon boleh x?' 'boleh' when he said that ill be like yeah thats my dad! Hahaha. Tapi abah xcakap sampai situ. 'Indon tu p mana jaa?' Aku dlm hati hmmm sudah.boleh ka dak nii.cuak pulak nak gtau lebih lgi.tapi sbb aku ni hanya la pelajar. Sumber pendapatan mmg xde la ceritanya. 'naik gunung merapi' abh punya reaksi 'kakak larat kaa?brpa kena byar?' Laju2 aku cakap 'bank duit flght dlu abah' hahahaha sbb bajet aku fkir boleh la pkai duit tabungan sikit. So keesokannya ws ahkak khai mntak no acc. Bila dah berjaya bank in. Rasa nak jerit 'woi aku nkp hiking merapi kot'. Padahal sblum ni aku xpenah jejak kaki ke gunung. Cuak tu pasti!
Aku ditimpa lagi masalah sblum berangkat ke indon. Woi dari kedah mcm mna nkg KL. Diaorg semua bkumpul dekat KLIA 2. Aku sorg2 dari kedah.
Dkt smnggu aku fikir lepas meeting dgn bdk2 yg join trip tu. Final exam dah nak dekat. 1st pper aku 24/12. 23/12 malam aku xboleh tidur sbb fikir mcm mana aku nkg airport ni. Klau duit tbungn sndri aku bnyk,mmg aku booked flght dah. Tpi sbb xde, aku brani kn jari type ws dkt mama apa mslah aku. Mama tkjut jugak la. Psal apa dia tkjut. Em hahahaha sbb aku xcrta pun dekat dia aku nk join final projek kelab. Sbb aku nak exam mama xbebelkan aku. Mungkin laa sbb aku ni cepat emo kang xpasal psal exam ke mana indon ke mana. Mama ckp 'xpa,mama booked flght' okay aku baru boleh tidur nyenyak dengan esok exam. 
Dah hbis exam semua,aku start training sorg2. Well aku sorg ja bdk kedah yg join. Jogging la sorg2 aku dkt tasik darul aman tu. 
Lgi brpa hari nak g indon,mama bru tahu apa tujuan aku g sana. Gunung merapi tu masih aktif. Mama punya bebel tu perghh xtahu nak bagi ayat apa utk sedapkan hati dia. Abh satu ja dia asyk ulang cakap 'larat ka kakak nak hiking gunung' 25/1 malam,flght aku pkul 9.15 pm dri AOR. Mama risau lagi sbb aku xpenah lagi jejak kaki dekat KLIA 2. Sblum ni dia okay sbb dri KLIA ke AOR dgn kwn aku. Ada org teman aku. Aku pun cakap 'xpa diaorg dah ada dkt sana maa' pdhal diaorg xde bhahahaha. Smpai KLIA 2, dngn gaya backpacker nya aku tggu dkt satu jam jugak laa. Tggu punya tggu diaorg pun smpai. Debaran smkin terasa. 
Malam tu for the 1st time aku tido dkt airport. Depan kedai sblah celcom center. Hahaha pkul 5 am ja dngar org tarik luggage, celapak aku bangun. Okay baru perasan aku tidur dekat mana. Dengan muka sememeh aku pun bangun g bkumpul dgn yg lain. 
So tiba msa depart, chck passport then here we go! 45mins berlalu smpai la dekat Padang airport. Hari tu jugak gerak g basecamp merapi. Dia punya sejuk mmg terasa gila. Disbbkan hujan, kami gerak hiking lepas subuh 27/1. Ni aku shared gmbar sikit
My way to KLIA 2 from AOR. Alone.
Bermalam di KLIA 2.
Melepasi kwsan hijau. Track makin sakit.
kawah merapi yang masih aktif.
kabus semakin menebal dan bau sulphur yang menusuk hidung.
Puncak gunung merapi. 
Ada kaki sendiri kan?

Bila jatuh, bangun sendiri.

Jangan terlampau bergantung pada orang untuk hulurkan tangan pada kita.

Tapi kalau time tu org cakap mcm tu em em aku nak campak dia dlm kawah merapi mungkin sesuai.

Time naik,emo jugak la.time turun bewak gunung merapi. Haa. 
Terimakasih kalian. Tanpa korg em em mmg aku stay dkt kaki gunung ja. 2891.3m kot. 🌋
baru bwk daypack. X haversack lagi mahu meniarap. 😂
#kembara #uniutama #crossover #hiking #hikers #backpacker #tigergearatsea
Sebut pasal tigergearatsea, nanti aku story lagi k. Gtg 🙋
BH 12/3/2015 😁

Hello everyone. I'm Nasyuha Afina Binti Mohd Nazari. All of you can called me Afina. From the very start I should say that it is not an easy thing to write about myself as it is hard to have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do? I am a girl of sweet twenty. I further my study in Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours at Universiti Utara Malaysia also known eminent management university. My matric number is 233830. I'm staying at Eon Resident Hall. My email is
