Hai everyone. Im back! Okay lets continue talking about my trip as a bacpacker to the West Sumatra. After hiking, all of us feel exhausted. So as a human what do you want to do when you are in the situation like us? Come on..what?do you want to sleep? hahaha I didnt pay for sleep actually. NONSENSE! Pamutusan Island have waiting for us. Its take around 8 hours to arrive there through the roads and hills so
taraaaa here I shared all of my photos.
view from fishermen houses before heading to the island. |
here we go! |
Pamutusan Island's view from the top. |
arrived :D |
ours aim! |
colourful of starfishes.
sunset view from the island.
Its time for dinner. Swimming dah.btw,aku xswimming sbb aku xtahu hahaha..cari patrick pun dah..so,
BBQ & basking time!
Dekat basecamp merapi dah terlepas star gazing. Sobs! Dengan cuaca malam tu x mngizinkan star gazing dkt island. Hujan renyai-renyai. Perut kenyang,hati suka,muka ceria,apa lagi,masuk khemah
I cant write what I feel when Im there but please, I want to go there again and again. Already miss the island damn much. For those yang follow yuk xrindu tu,korg memang hitam.haha. Tu xkira bangun pagi,bukak pntu khemah perghh sedap mata memandang air laut yang kebiruan angin sepoi-sepoi cewahh. Okay nak ada rumah rehat tepi laut xpun lets go to Maldives. Kemain kau nakk
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